Episode 112 / We get an update from Jami on her vacation, check in on how the writing community is helping Ukrainians, and answer listener questions.  

Intro links:

Writers For Ukraine

Wish I’d Known Think Mini-sode: Writers Helping Ukrainians 

Show notes:

Listener questions: 

How do you record audio yourself? What is the equipment you need, how do you edit etc.

Does the death in a cozy mystery always have to be someone who was bad or villainous?

Is there an ideal number for books for a series?

Can you describe your revision processes? Lots of people say they revise in passes, but what passes and in what order? What exactly do you look for in looking for plot holes, character arcs, world building, etc.

I’m beginning a new pen name and I will need to set up a FB author page for it. How do I do this? From my current profile or another way?

What’s the best way to get ARC readers if you’re new? 

I’d love to know more about marketing on a budget and finding readers (especially how it might look in a post-COVID world).

When/how do you know that you’re done with a book – that you’ve done all your research (no more rabbit holes), you’ve adjusted what you can, readers you trust have read it and you can finally let it go (cue Disney GIF)? 

Come over and say hi to Jami and Sara in the WIKT Facebook group! You can find show notes and links at wishidknownforwriters.com.


The Big List of Craft and marketing books mentioned on WIKT podcast episodes 

Jami’s Launch Plan

Sara’s Book Release Timeline Checklist