Episode 223

Do you like to discover the plot as you write? Do you get bored if you know where the story is going? Then a skeleton draft might be what you need.
Paranormal and gothic romance author Steffanie Holmes joins us to talk about how discovery writers can use a skeleton draft to get their ideas down on paper and avoid writer’s block. We also talk about rebranding, Kickstarter tips for authors outside the US, and bust some publishing myths. 🥊


 Introduction to Skeleton Drafting

  • Why Stephanie shifted away from dark romance to her Nevermore Bookshop series, which features a magical bookstore and a blind heroine who teams up with famous literary villains to solve mysteries
  • How Stephanie found success with skeleton drafting, not rigid outlines
  • Using TikTok for market research
  • How she rebranded her series
  • Partnering for order fulfillment to reduce shipping costs and increase sales
  • Creating a unique fan experience for achieving success

Author Website:

Skeleton Draft Course

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⭐️ Podcast sponsor this month is Xero! Use discount code WISHIDKNOWNTHEN20 and get 20% off Xero subscription for 3 months.Xero.com

More Links:

Inkers Con Digital conference: July 20th – August 2nd 2024

Affiliate links:

Sara: https://inkerscon.com/2024-digital-conference/ref/32


Jami: https://inkerscon.com/2024-digital-conference/ref/14


Ep 161 – Nell Goddin on How Direct Sales Helped Revive her Author Business https://wishidknownforwriters.com/161-2/

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