Episode 099 / Romance author Ines Johnson joins us this week. So much goodness in this episode. We cover everything from coupling your financial goals to your happiness, the upside of trying and failing, and tips on organizing metadata as well as your writing schedule. 

Show notes:

  • How the music of her dad’s funk band helped Ines learn about story
  • Ines mindset shift that involved coupling monetary goals to happiness
  • Examples of how to use storytelling in your marketing
  • Why her approach is to fail faster and its surprising benefits
  • Tips for organizing book metadata
  • How Ines’ approach to translations has evolved and her favorite way to approach translations now

Ines’s Book Metadata Template




Reedsy Marketplace


Sarra Cannon’s HeartBreathings Youtube channel

Come over and say hi to Jami and Sara in the WIKT Facebook group! You can find show notes and links at wishidknownforwriters.com.


Ines’ websites: 



The Big List of Craft and marketing books mentioned on WIKT podcast episodes 

Jami’s Launch Plan

Sara’s Book Release Timeline Checklist