Orna Ross on Writing Across Multiple Genres

Orna Ross on Writing Across Multiple Genres

Episode 118 / Orna Ross, author and poet as well as director of the Alliance of Independent Authors, joins us this week to talk about writing across multiple genres and planning for authors. So much wisdom on how to learn from mistakes and grow in your career in this...

Writers Helping Ukrainians

Resources to Help Ukrainians   Ways to help, sourced by author Sara Rosett, from the writing community:  Fundraisers from Writing Community Author Daniel Willcocks has set up a fundraising writing challenge: Writers for Ukraine, the One Million Word...
Writing Into the Dark with Krystal Shannan

Writing Into the Dark with Krystal Shannan

Episode 111 / Paranormal romance author Krystal Shannan joins us this week to talk about how shifting to writing intuitively was freeing for her and revitalized her writing process. We also talk about whether or not you should cull your newsletter, what Krystal does...